
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Asam Keung Ikan Jurung (Sour and Spicy Mahseer)


Asam Keung adalah masakan khas Aceh, umunya menggunakan udang dan ikan baik ikan air tawar (lele) maupun ikan laut (kakap). Disebut asam karena bumbu utamanya adalah asam sunti dan belimbing wuluh segar, rasanya asam dan pedas.

Tidak mudah mendapatkan ikan jurung, harganya yang lumayan mahal dan jarang ada dipasar ikan sekalipun. Di Medan yang menyediakan ikan jurung adalah restoran Jumbo di Jl. Putri Hijau yang terkenal dengan 'Steam Jurung' nya. Saat kami mengunjungi Seumayam (dekat Meulaboh) kami beruntung karena sedang musim ikan jurung. Yang lebih enak lagi, kami diberi demonstrasi cara memasak dan resep asam keung Jurung. Rasanya enak sekali, ikannya segar dan baru saja dimasak. 

Asam literally means sour. This dish is from Aceh which use bilimbi both preserved and fresh that gives the sour taste. Mahseer is a delicacy because they are not farmed and can only be fished in certain places. The fish is white and soft and tasty but has a lot of bones. Normally people use prawns and other fish like carp or other fresh water fish. 

Mahseer is the common name used for the genera TorNeolissochilus, and Naziritor in the family Cyprinidae (carps).The name mahseer is however more often restricted to members of the genus Tor. The range of these fish is fromMalaysiaIndonesia, across southern Asia to Iran, including the Indian Peninsula. They are commercially importantgame fish, as well as highly esteemed food fish. Mahseer fetch high market price, and are potential candidate species foraquaculture. Several of the larger species have suffered severe declines, and are now considered threatened due topollutionhabitat loss and overfishing (wikipedia)

Bahan / Ingredients

1 kg Ikan Jurung, bersihkan dan potong sesuai selera (bisa diganti dengan udang atau ikan lain)
1 kg Mahseer, clean and cut to your liking (replaced with prawns or any fresh fish)

Bumbu yang dihaluskan / The paste

50 gr bawang merah
50 gr shallots

2 siung bawang putih
2 cloves garlic

3 cm jahe
3 cm fresh ginger

3 cm kunyit
3 cm fresh turmeric

1/2 sdt jintan
1/2 tsp cumin

1 sdm ketumbar
1 tbsp coriander

20 gr asam sunti
20 gr dried bilimbi

50 gr cabe merah dan cabe rawit
50 gr red chillies and bird's eye chillies

garam secukupnya
salt to taste

minyak untuk menumis
oil for sautéing

500 ml air atau secukupnya
500 ml water 

Bumbu utuh / other ingredients

1 lembar daun kunyit
1 turmeric leaf

1 - 2  tangkai daun kari (daun temurui)
1 - 2 sprigs of curry leaves

1 batang sereh, memarkan
1 stalk lemon grass, bruised

6 buah belimbing wuluh, belah dua
6 fresh bilimbi, halved

cabe hijau utuh
whole green chillies

Cara memasak / preparation method

Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan dengan sereh sampai harum
Saute the paste with lemon grass until fragrant

Masukkan ikan dan aduk sebentar sampai bumbu merata.
Put the fish pieces and stir well until the paste cover the fish

Masukkan bumbu utuh lainnya aduk rata dan masukkan air, biarkan mendidih.
Put the rest of the ingredients and then water, bring it to the boil

Lanjutkan memasak dan kecilkan api, sampai air berkurang dan ikan masak.
Continue cooking and simmer until the water reduced and the fish is well cooked.

Ayam Cipera Original (Karonese Chicken Stew)

This dish was actually made last year, only now I have the time to put it together. This recipe was made by ibu Munthe in Bangun Bandar, near Tebing Tinggi. Ibu Munthe demonstrate how to cook this Karonese Chicken Stew or traditionally called "ayam cipera". Cipera usually served on Karonese big party. I have posted the same dish a couple years ago, but this one come from the Karonese lady herself. The use of cipera which is made of roasted corn kernel that is finely ground. Cipera is used both for flavour and thickening. The alternative is using corn on the cop and grated. It will give slightly different taste but just as nice.

Bahan / Ingredients

1 ekor ayam kampung 
1 native chicken

200 gr tepung jagung ( jagung digongseng dan ditumbuk) = tepung cipera
200 gr corn flour (from ground roasted maize, named "cipera"

1500 ml santan dari 1 kelapa, pisahkan santan cair dan santan kental
1500 ml coconut milk from 1 fresh coconut, separate the thick and thin coconut milk

Bumbu halus / the paste

100 gr bawang merah
100 gr shallots

    6 siung bawang putih
    6 cloves garlic

  50 gr cabe merah dan cabe rawit
  50 gr mix red chillies and bird's eye chillies

  50 gr jahe
  50 gr fresh ginger

  50 gr kencur
  50 gr lesser gallangal

  50 gr kemiri
  50 gr candle nut

    3 cm kunyit atau secukupnya
    3 cm fresh turmeric or as necessary 

Bahan lain / other ingredients

1 buah Tomat besar, potong dadu atau memanjang
1 large tomato, diced or wedged

4 buah asam cekala, memarkan
4 torch ginger fruit, bruised

2 batang bawang prei, potong 2 cm
2 baby leeks, cut 2 cm long including the green

4 batang sereh, memarkan
4 lemon grass, bruised

garam secukupnya
salt to taste

jamur merang atau jamur tiram (optional)
straw mushroom (canned) or fresh oyster mushroom (optional)

Cara memasak / Preparation

Bakar ayam kampung sampai kulit mengering dan berubah warna, potong-potong menjadi 12 potong sesuai selera.
Char grilled the chicken until the skin change colour, cut into 12 pieces or to your liking

Rebus santan encer dan bumbu yang dihaluskan.
Bring to the boil thin coconut milk together with the paste

Masukkan sereh, daun jeruk dan lengkuas . Masak sampai mendidih selama beberapa menit.
Add in the lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves and gallangal. Bring back to boil for a few more minutes

Masukkan ayam, tutup panci masak sampai ayam empuk.
Put the chicken pieces and cover until the chicken is tender

Sementara itu larutkan tepung cipera dengan sedikit santan encer atau air
Meanwhile, dissolve the corn flour with a little of thin coconut milk (or just water)

Masukkan asam cekala, tomat, jamur dan tepung cipera
Put the torch ginger fruit, tomato, mushroom and the flour mixture

Lanjutkan memasak sambil terus diaduk sampai semua matang, kecilkan api
Continue cooking and stir occasionally, reduce the heat

Masukkan santan kental, kemudian bawang prei. 
At last add in the thick coconut, then the baby leeks

Didihkan kembali, aduk dan rasakan. Matikan api. Siap disajikan.
Bring back to a boil, taste and turn the heat off. Ready to be served

Sunday 23 March 2014

Jenis Ikan Asin di Medan I (Salted Fish Variety in Medan )

Ini adalah jenis ikan asin yang umum dijumpai di pasar Medan. Banyak cara mengolah ikan asin, digoreng maupun menjadi campuran sayur, disambal maupun dipeyek. Pilihannya banyak sekali tergantung selera anda.

These are the common dried and salted fish that you will find in Medan traditional market or supermarket. There are many ways of cooking it too, deep fried on its own or as ingredient of many Medanese cuisine. We do consume rather a lot of dried fish specially the famous Medan salted baby anchovy or we call it : teri Medan

 ikan asin kresek
 ikan asin belah
split salted fish

 ikan teri tawar
dried unsalted baby anchovy

ikan teri belah
split sated baby anchovy 

 ikan teri Medan
the famous Medan salted baby anchovy

Saturday 22 March 2014

Mie Aceh Original ( Original Aceh Style Fried Noodles)

Last year I visited Seunagan, near Meulaboh in Aceh.  We were very lucky that one of the lady : ibu Ridal with the help of other ibu cooked Aceh style fried noodles for our dinner. 

The distinct difference to most fried noodles, Aceh style use more spices and curry powder. Indeed I have posted in 2012 my style of Mie Aceh, but it is good to see the original recipe that was made and cooked by Acehnese lady. If you love noodles, do try this recipe. To my taste that was better than any restaurant or warung made.

Bahan-Bahan / Ingredients

1 kg Mie Basah atau Mie telur
1 kg Egg Noodles

250 gr daging sapi, potong kecil masak sampai lembut
250 gr beef, cut and slice thinly and cook until tender

250 gr udang kupas
250 gr peeled prawns

250 gr tauge
250 gr bean sprouts

250 gr sawi manis, bersihkan dan potong
250 gr mustard greens, clean and cut

250 gr kol
250 gr cabbage roughly slice

200 gr daun prei dan seledri, potong 1 cm
200 gr baby leeks and celery leaves, cut 1 cm

kecap manis secukupnya
sweet sauce to taste

garam dan merica secukupnya
salt and pepper to taste

Minyak untuk menumis
oil for sautéing

300 - 500 ml air panas atau secukupnya
300 - 500 ml hot water, or as necessary

Bumbu yang dihaluskan / the paste

1 sdm bubuk kari
1 tbsp curry powder

100 gr cabe merah
100 gr red chillies

200 gr bawang merah
200 gr shallots

5 siung bawang putih
5 cloves garlic
100 gr kemiri
 100 gr candle nuts
3 cm jahe
3 cm fresh ginger
100 gr kacang tanah, digoreng dan dihaluskan (optional)
100 gr peanut, fried and ground (optional)

2 biji tomat, potong dadu
2 tomatoes, diced

Cara memasak / Preparation Method

Tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan dan bubuk kari sampai harum dan sedikit mengering
Saute the paste till fragrant and add in the curry powder, continue cooking for a couple more minutes

Masukkan daging dan udang aduk rata kemudian masukkan semua sayur, kemudian air. Biarkan Mendidih masukkan kecap manis (Cap Bango)
Add the beef and prawns, mix well and in go the vegetables and water. Bring to the boil and add the sweet soy sauce.

Masukkan mie dan aduk sampai matang.
Put the noodles, stir and mix until the noodles is cooked and ready

Sajikan dengan tomat, timun, emping goreng dan acar.
Serve with, sliced tomato, cucumber, emping and shallots and chillies pickles. Garnish with fried shallots flakes.

Ibu-ibu yang mempersiapkan Mie Aceh di Seunagan
The ladies who prepared the Aceh Fried Noodles in Seunagan

Saturday 15 March 2014

Tempe Kecap ( Soy Sauce Tempe)

I like to share this simple recipe that I love to have it every day with rice.  My mother used to cook this a lot. Tempe is one of very popular food in Indonesia. It is very versatile to cook, delicious as well as very nutritious. I have posted some tempe recipes in the past and this is another one that is suitable for vegetarian. This recipe is different to one we called "kering tempe", since the tempe is quite tender and moist. If you like tempe, do try this recipe, you'll love it.

Bahan-bahan / Ingredients

1/2 kg tempe, potong panjang
1/2 kg tempe, cut match stick

4 siung bawang putih, rajang
4 cloves garlic, sliced

8 bawang merah, rajang
8 shallots, sliced

5 cabe merah, potong miring
5 red chilli, sliced

10 cabe merah, potong miring
10 bird's eye chilli, sliced

2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
2 cm galangal, bruised

3 lembar daun salam
3 salam leaves

4 sdm kecap asin
4 tbsp light soy sauce

5 sdm kecap manis Bango
5 tbsp sweet soy sauce (Bango)

1 cangkir air
1 cup water

garam secukukpnya
salt to taste

minyak untuk menumis dan menggoreng tempe
oil for sautéing and frying

Cara memasak / preparation

goreng tempe 1/2 masak, jangan terlalu kering, sisihkan
fry the tempe half done, but not too dry, set aside

tumis bumbu rajang sampai harum, masukkan air, daun salam dan lengkuas, masak sampai mendidih
sauté the sliced ingredients till fragrant, add in the water, salam leaves and galangal, bring to a boil

masukkan tempe aduk rata
put in the tempe, stir evenly

tambahkan kecap asin dan kecap manis, tambah garam secukupnya
add the light soy sauce and sweet sauce, add the salt if necessary

masak lagi selama beberapa menit sampai air berkurang tetapi tidak kering. Siap dihidangkan.
continue cooking for a couple of minutes or until the water reduced but not dry. It is now ready to be served

Friday 14 March 2014

Bubur Pedas / Bubur Melayu / Deli Porridge

Minggu lalu kami berkunjung ke Aceh Tamiang, untuk pertama kalinya saya melihat ibu-ibu memasak Bubur Pedas dan ini juga pertama kali saya menikmatinya. Di Medan bubur Melayu atau biasa disebut bubur pedas, hanya tersedia di bulan puasa. Biasanya disediakan di Mesjid Raya dan ada yang menjualnya di Jalan Setia Budi. Ada juga yang membuatnya pada acara resepsi maupun perayaan tertentu.

Ada beberapa resep membuat bubur pedas. Bubur Podas dari Tanjung Balai dan dari daerah Langkat, pada umumnya memakai beras dan bumbu basah, seafood dan ayam dan umbi-umbian, Resep ibu Safiruddin yang asli Tamiang sangat berbeda. Resep ini menggunakan AWAS yang berbahan dasar beras, jagung dan kacang hijau yang digongseng bersama rempah-rempah, sebagai bahan pengental sekaligus bumbu. Menggunakan ebi bukan ayam atau seafood, walau tentu saja bisa ditambahkah bahan lainnya sesuai dengan selera. 

Kami belum tahu rempah apa saja yang ada dalam AWAS, kemungkinan hampir sama dengan bumbu bubur podas dari Tanjung Balai, hanya saja sudah disangrai dan dicampur. AWAS hanya tersedia di bulan Puasa. 

Bubur Melayu selalu dihidangkan dengan anyang. Resep anyang ibu Safiruddin sedikit berbeda dengan anyang biasanya yaitu tidak menggunakan ketumbar. 

Seperti kebanyakan ibu rumah tangga, kita memasak tanpa ukuran dan timbangan semuanya agak-agak atau kira-kira. Resep ini bukan untuk pemula, bagi yang selalu memasak resep ibu Safiruddin ini sudah cukup memberi gambaran dengan hanya menyebutkan bahan-bahannya saja. Selamat mencoba

Bahan Anyang Ingredients

Pakis, rebus
Fern tips, boiled

Tauge, rebus
Bean sprout, blanched

Kelapa gongseng
Roasted grated coconut

Bumbu / the paste

bawang merah, rajang
shallots, finely sliced

cabe merah, rajang
red chilli, finely sliced

sereh, giling halus
lemon grass, ground

lengkuas, giling halus
galangal, ground

ebi, rendam air panas kemudian giling halus
dried shrimp, soaked in hot water, ground


Jeruk nipis
lime juice

Cara memasak / preparation methode

Campur semua bahan sambil dirasakan
Mix all the ingredients and have a taste

Bahan Bubur Melayu

Bahan A / Ingredients A

Ubi kayu
Cassava, maniok

Ubi rambat
Sweet potato



Pisang kepok muda
Young banana


(Potong dadu semua bahan di atas)
(Dice all the above ingredients)

Kacang tanah

Udang manis (ebi)
Dried shrimps

Awas (canpuran beras, jagung, kacang hijau dan rempah)
Awas (mixture of rice, maize, mung beans and spices)

Coconut milk


Bahan B / Ingredients B

Daun jeruk purut
Kaffir lime leaves

Daun kunyit
Turmeric leaves

Daun simbukan
Not known in English, but this is the latin name Paederia tomentosa

Rajang halus semua daun-daunan
Finely sliced all the above ingredients

Bawang goreng
Shallots flakes (fried shallots)

Cara memasak Bubur Melayu / Preparation methode

Campur semua bahan A, masak dengan api sedang sambil diaduk terus (terutama bagian dasar panci, agar tidak gosong) sampai mengental dan semua bahan sudah masak dan lunak. Cicipi garam.
Mix all ingredients A, cook over low - medium heat and stir constantly (use a long wooden spoon to rich the bottom of the pot to avoid sticking and burning) until thickened and all ingredients are soft and ready. Taste the salt.

Masukkan semua daun rajang, aduk rata kemudian tambahkan bawang goreng.
Add in the sliced leaves, mix well than put in the shallots  flakes.

Dapat segera dihidangkan dengan anyang di atasnya
Serve immediately with anyang on top

Ibu-ibu yang mempersiapkan bubur pedas dan ibu-ibu yang menikmati hidangan ini.... yum yum...
These are the ladies who prepare the bubur Melayu.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sagon Bakar ( Coconut and Tapioca Biscuit)

Last Chinese New Year, my friend serve this biscuits amongst other things, even though this is a traditional recipe it is very hard to find now. The biscuit was very good, crispy , crumbly and tasty. Never had that texture before. Since than I’ve looking and asking for the recipe, eventually I got it from a friend. This recipe doesn’t make exactly like I wanted “crispy” but the taste is just perfect. Some friends have tried my biscuits and they all love it. So here is the recipe

Bahan - Bahan / Ingredients

200 ml pati santan 
200 ml thick coconut milk

500 gr Kanji / Sagu Tani
500 gr tapioca flour

50 gr mentega atau margarin 25
50 gr butter or margarine

200 gr gula halus 100
200 gr icing sugar

2 butir kuning telur 
2 egg yolk

1/4 sdt baking powder 
1/4 tsp baking powder

1 sdt garam
1 tsp salt

1 sdt vanili
1 tsp vanilla essense

60 gr kelapa gongseng
60 gr desicated coconut

50 gr keju (optional)
50 gr parmesan cheese (optional)

Cara membuat / Preparation method

Campur tepung kanji, gula halus dan baking powder, kemudian saring
Mix the tapioca flour, icing sugar and baking powder, then sieve to avoid lumps

Larutkan garam dalam santan
Dissolve the salt in coconut milk

Campur vanili, mentega, kelapa gongseng, kuning telur dan tepung, tambahkan santan sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni sampai kalis
Mix the vanilla, egg yolks, desiccated coconut and the flour, add in the coconut milk gradually while kneading until you get a smooth dough.

Istirahatkan selama 30 menit
Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes

Panaskan oven 140 C
Meanwhile preheat the oven 140 C

Ambil sedikit adonan dan tekan dalam cetakan sagon (tipis saja), susun dalam loyang dan panggang 25 - 30 menit tergantung dari oven
Take a small amount of the dough and place it in the mould, press thinly with your thumb. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes depend on your oven.

Biarkan 1 - 2 menit sebelum mengeluarkan dari cetakan
Leave 1 - 2 minutes before removing off the mould.

Monday 3 March 2014

Selat Popiah / Pai Tie / Top Hat

I found this recipe from my fovourite cook book PENANG HERITAGE FOOD by Dr. Ong Jin Teong. This book is so descriptive and detail. Reading this book is like reading a history book of Penang with extremely good recipe. It inspired me to write this blog in the first place. 

Since geographicly Medan is very close to Penang, most food there we can find in Medan. The lack of recipe book of Medan food which almost have the same history like Penang, makes this book very appeal to read. 

This Pai Tie or in Medan we call Selat popiah, is common for Chinese ethnic in Medan, you can easyly find or buy the shell (case) in Pajak Beruang (Market in Jalan Beruang) and if you fancy to have a ready made ones you can enjoy them in Coffee Box in Sun Plaza. 

Selat popiah is very good finger food to serve in any party, though it isn't easy to bite without making a mess......, but they are so pretty and tasty. Just make sure you put the filling just before you serve, or else the shell will go soft. 

I have tried several popiah shell recipe and this is the best, the shell is firm yet crunchy and stay fresh longer.

Saya mendapat resep Selat popiah dari buku masakan PENANG HERITAGE FOOD, By Dr. Ong Jin Teong. Entah sudah berapa kali saya baca buku resep ini karena seperti membaca cerita atau sejarah mengenai Penang dan yang penting sekali resep-resep makanan didalamnya sangat mirip dengan makanan yang umumnya kita jumpai di Medan.

Resep-resepnya sangat detail dan akurat, saya sudah mencoba beberapa resepnya. Resep kulit popiah ini adalah yang terbaik dari beberapa resep yang pernah saya coba. Hasilnya kulit keras tapi renyah dan tidak mudah melempem setelah diberi isi.

Untuk resep isinya, saya modifikasi dan silahkan bereksperimen membuat isi lain bahkan kemarin teman saya membuat isi vegetarian, ternyata enak sekali juga.

Di Medan kulit selat popiah ini banyak dijual sudah jadi di Pajak Beruang (Pasar Beruang), anda tinggal membuat isinya di rumah. Jika ingin langsung menikmati makanan ini bisa di beli di. COFFEE BOX di Sun Plaza.

Bahan Kulit / The shell ingredients

70 gr all purpose flour
70 gr tepung terigu (segitiga biru)

100 gr rice flour
100 gr tepung beras

1 1/2 tbsp corn flour
1 1/2 sdm maizena

1 egg
1 telur

2 tsp oil
2 sdt minyak

280 ml water
280 ml air

salt and pepper to taste
garam dan merica secukupnya

1/4 tsp of slaked lime
1/4 sdt kapur

Oil for deep frying
Minyak untuk menggoreng

Preparation Method / Cara membuat

Untuk kulit / for the shell

Put all ingredient in a blender and whisk it for 1 minute or until well mixed
Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender dan hidupkan selama 1 minute atau sampai tercampur rata

Sieve the mixture and set aside for 30 minutes
Saring adonan dan istirahatkan selama 30 menit

Preheat the oil and leave the mould in the fryer ( this is to avoid the batter stick on the mould) until the mould is hot (not too hot, you need to do try and error in the beginning to get the right temperature)
Panaskan minyak dan rendam cetakan dalam wajan ( agar adonan tidak melekat pada cetakan) sampai minyak dan cetakan panas ( jangan terlalu panas, coba dulu sampai mendapat panas yang diinginkan)

Dip the hot mould in the batter, do not immerse totally leave 1 - 2 mm from the top mould
Masukkan cetakan ke dalam adonan, jangan celup keseluruhannya sisakan 1 - 2 mm dari ujung cetakan

Immerse the batter-coated mould in the hot oil and hold for a few moments until the shell looked hardened then move the mould up and down, it will detach from the mould ( if you pull the mould  too early the shell will be distorted)
Celup cetakan yang sudah dilapisi adonan ke dalam minyak panas, diamkan dan pegang untuk beberapa saat sampai kulit kelihatan mengeras, kemudian gerakkan naik turuh, kulit akan terlepas dari cetakan (jika cetakan dilepas terlalu cepat dan kulit belum mengeras, bentuknya akan rusak)

If it does not detach itself (stick to the mould) use a skewer to ease the shell from the mould
Jika tidak lepas dari cetakan (melekat pada cetakan) gunakan tusuk sate untuk membantu melepaskan.

Fry until golden or light brown, drain the excess oil by turning upside down on  kitchen paper
Goreng sampai kecoklatan, angkat dan balikkan diatas kertas atau saringan agar sisa minyak turun

This will make approsimately 60 shells
Resep ini akan menghasilkan kurang lebih 60 kulit.

Keep in air tight container
Simpan dalam kotak kedap udara atau plastik dan tutup rapat.

Bahan isi / filling ingredients

500 gr yambean, grated or julienne
500 gr bengkuang parut (seperti sawut)

100 gr green beans, sliced
100 gr buncis, potong kasar

250 gr chicken breast, minced
250 gr dada ayam, cincang halus

200 gr prawns, shelled and chopped
200 gr udang, kupas dan cincang

400 gr carrot, grated or julienne
400 gr wortel, parut (seperti sawut)

75 gr shallots, finely sliced
75 gr bawang merah, rajang halus

6 cloves garlic, finely sliced
6 siung bawang putih, rajang halus

2 baby leeks, finely sliced
2 bawang prei, rajang halus

salt and pepper to taste
garam dan merica secukupnya

Oil for sautéing
Minyak untuk menumis

Preparation / cara memasak

Saute shallots and garlic till fragrant then add all ingredient and stir until all done. Set aside
Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai harum, tambahkan semua bahan dan aduk sampai semuanya masak. Sisihkan

Bahan sambal / Sauce ingredients

50 gr red chilli, finely ground
50 gr cabe merah, giling halus

60 gr peanut, toasted and ground
60 gr kacang tanah, disangrai atau goreng, tumbuk kasar

2 tsp sugar
2 sdt gula

1 tsp vinegar
1 sdt cuka

salt to taste
garam secukupnya

1 tbsp sesame seeds, toasted
2 sdm wijen, sangrai

Preparation Method / Cara membuat

Mix the ground chilli, peanut, salt and sugar with the water then add the vinegar to taste. Springkle on the toasted sesame before serving.
Campur cabe giling, kacang tanah, garam dan gula dengan air kemudian tambahkan cuka secukupnya. Taburkan biji wijen sebelum di sajikan