
Thursday 31 January 2013

Lodeh Gori (Curried Jack Fruit with Black Eye Bean)

The jackfruit (alternately jack treejakfruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak; scientific name Artocarpus heterophyllus),[6] is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of the mulberry family (Moraceae). It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India, in present-day Kerala, coastal Karnataka and Maharashtra. This tree is widely cultivated in tropical regions of IndiaBangladeshNepalSri LankaVietnamThailandMalaysiaIndonesia and thePhilippines. Jackfruit is also found in East Africa, e.g., in UgandaTanzania and Mauritius, as well as throughout Brazil and Caribbean nations such as Jamaica. The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit,[7] reaching as much as 80 pounds (36 kg) in weight and up to 36 inches (90 cm) long and 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter.[8 (source wikipedia) 

This recipe is my mother's recipe (suitable for vegetarian). The whole family love it, so she used to cook jack fruit rather often. Today I found one fruit hanging on the tree in my back garden. It is just the right size for cooking ( I could have waited a few more weeks and we can enjoy the sweet, aromatic and juicy jackfruit) so I got it down and decide to cook it my mother's way since I really missed her cooking. 

If it is not available fresh where you live, you can get it canned jackfruit from Asian Supermarket. There isn't much different in taste or texture, but you need less time for cooking.

Nangka muda atau di Medan biasa disebut gori, bisa diolah dengan berbagai cara. Bisa di gulai, bisa disayur asam bahkan ada yang memasak dengan bumbu rendang. Sebelumnya sudah pernah saya posting gulai nangka pedas khas Medan, tapi kali ini saya sajikan resep lodeh yang sebenarnya resep ibu saya. Kami sekeluarga sangat menyukainya, biasanya ditemani dengan ikan asin goreng atau hanya dengan tempe goreng dan kadang-kadang biar tambah siiiip, kami membuat sambal terasi yummm......

Bahan yang dibutuhkan / ingredients

1 kg nangka muda

4 cm lengkuas, memarkan
galangal, bruised

4 daun salam
salam leaves

150 gr kacang putih (telah dimasak)
black eye bean (cooked)

250 ml santan kental
thick coconut milk

2 L santan encer
water or very thin coconut milk

bumbu yang di haluskan / the paste

8-10 bawang merah
4-5 shallots ( Indonesian shallots are smaller)

2 siung bawang putih
cloves garlic

5 cabe merah keriting ( sedang pedasnya )
red chili ( or to your taste)

6 buah kemiri
candle nuts

1 sdt gula
tsp sugar

garam secukupnya
salt to taste

Cara memasak / how to cook

Kupas nangka muda dan bersihkan getahnya, atau bisa dibeli dipasar yang sudah dibersihkan
Peel the fruit and clean the sap, or use canned jack fruit

Cincang permukaan buah kemudian dipotong (lihat gambar) ini akan menghasilkan potongan kecil
chopped the surface of the fruit, then cut downwards ( see picture ) this will produce smaller cuts.

cuci bersih dan rebus sebentar untuk menghilangkan getah, tiriskan
wash well and boil to remove the sap, drain

campur bumbu halus dan bumbu lainnya ke dalam santan encer, didihkan selama 10 menit
mix all the spice with light coconut milk, bring it to a boil for 10 minutes

masukkan gori, masak sampai cukup lunak kemudian masukkan kacang putih 
Add in the jackfruit, cook until soft then put the black eyed bean in

kecilkan api dan masukkan santan kental, sambil diaduk, biarkan sampai mendidih sekali lagi. 
lower the heat, add the the coconut thick coconut milk, stir occasionally and let it boil once again

siap disajikan ( walupun lebih baik dihidangkan keesokan hari)
ready to serve ( it is better served the next day )

tambahan : Source Wikipedia

Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines.[18] It can be eaten unripe (young) when cooked, or ripe uncooked.[18] The seeds may be boiled or baked like beans. The leaves are used as a wrapping for steamed. seeds are also used to make Kerala cuisine: idlis.


Seeds from ripe fruits are edible and are prepared by boiling in salted water for about 25 minutes. They have a milky, sweet taste. In many parts of India, roasted salted seed is also eaten and considered a delicacy.


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