
Thursday 14 November 2013

Mie Lebar Bawang Putih Vegetarian ( Garlic Noodles )

Resep mie ini adalah sama dengan mie yang saya buat sebelumnya, hanya ukuran mie dan cara penyajiannya yang berbeda. Mie ini sangat sederhana, sehat (tanpa additives) dan rasanya gurih, lebih baik dihidangkan selagi fresh. Sesuai untuk vegetarian.

The recipe of this noodles is similar to the one I posted before , only the size and the way to serve is different. This is a very simple, healthy (no additives) yet taste great. Best served after it freshly made. This is suitable for vegetarian.

Bahan - Bahan  / Ingredients

500 gr tepung protein tinggi  (Cakra kembar)
500 gr high protein flour

2 telur bebek  + 2 sdm minyak  + Air es = 250 ml
Duck eggs + 2 tbsp vegetable oil + ice cold water = 250 ml

1 sdt garam
1 tsp salt

Tepung kanji untuk taburan
Tapioca / corn starch to sprinkle

Cara membuat / How to make it

Campur telur dan minyak goreng kocok dengan garpu sampai tercampur
Mix well the eggs and oil with a fork

Larutkan garam dalam air kemudian masukkan ke dalam telur
Dissolve the salt in water then add into the egg mixture, mix well

Buat lubang ditengah tepung, masukkan campuran telur, campur kemudian uleni sampai kalis.
Make a crater in the middle flour, pour in the egg mixture, mix the the flour inside out until and start kneading until smooth and pliable.

Banting-banting kira-kira 15 menit. Semakin lama diuleni dan dibanting semakin kenyal tekstur mie.
Continue to knead for another 15 minutes, the longer the kneading the noodles will be more elastic (firm), this is the key to a good and firm noodles since we don't use chemical

Bentuk adonan menjadi bola, istirahatkan dan tutupi selama 30 menit.
Shape the dough into a ball, cover and leave to rest for 30 minutes

Potong sebagian bola, ratakan sedikit sebelum digiling dengan pasta maker.
Cut a small portion of the dough and flattened before rolling in  pasta maker.

Giling berulang-ulang mulai dengan yang paling tebal kemudian ke yang lebih tipis dengan ketebalan yang diinginkan.
Roll the dough until smooth, start from the thickest roll to the thinner one. For this type of noodles I use no 2.

Taburi lembaran pasta dengan kanji sebelum dipotong dan taburi lagi hasil potongannya agar tidak lengket. Sisihkan.
Sprinkle the pasta sheets with tapioca flour or corn starch before and after cutting, to stop it from sticking. Set aside.

Didihkan air tambahkan sedikit minyak dan garam.
Bring water to a boil in a pot, add some oil and salt

Siapkan mangkok, letakkan 1 sdt minyak bawang, 1 sdm kecap asin dan 1 sdt bawang putih goreng, merica sesuai selera anda dan aduk rata
Prepare a bowl, add in 1 tsp shallots or garlic infused oil, 1 tbsp light soy sauce and 1 tsp garlic flake, pepper to your liking and mix well.

Masukkan mie, boleh dimasak al dante (3/4 masak) atau sampai masak benar sesuai keinginan anda, tiriskan
Put the noodles in the boiling water you can cook it either al dante or well done as you fancy, drain from excess water.

Masukkan mie langsung ke dalam mangkok dan aduk rata dengan bumbu, taburi lagi bawang putih goreng jika suka. Siap dihidangkan, lebih enak dengan sambal atau taburi cabe kering
Put the noodles directly in the bowl and mix well with seasoning, sprinkle more garlic flakes if you prefer. Ready to serve and even better sprinkle with chilli flake or chilli sauce.

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