
Friday 21 February 2014

Bandrek Kak Ros (Ros' Spice Drink)

Minuman bandrek sangat populer di Medan, banyak dijual di warung-warung terutama di malam hari, rasa rempah yang khas dan pedas sangat disukai terutama di malam yang sejuk. Minuman ini langsung memberi rasa hangat ke badan, banyak yang percaya banyak yang percaya minuman ini membantu meredakan masuk angin.

Resep bandrek kak Ros berbeda dengan umumnya yang menggunakan banyak jenis rempah. Rasanya hangat dan ringan, banyak teman-teman yang mencoba sangat menyukainya. Tambahan pandan dan sereh menambah harum aroma.

Bandrek selalu dihidangkan panas-panas tetapi resep kak Ros ini enak sekali diminum dingin.  Banyak juga yang menambahkan susu pada bandrek panas, inilah yang disebut bandrek susu.

This Spice drink is very popular in Medan, there are many hawkers selling it specially in the evening. The spice taste is very prominent, best drink in cooler nights. Many believe this spicy drink help to relieve "masuk angin" our term for feeling unwell.

Ros' recipe is different to the normal one, it has less spices! hence it is less spicy, my friends just love it. The addition of lemon grass and pandan provide an extra pleasant aroma.

Normally spice drink served hot, but Ros' recipe also great to drink cold. Some people add milk  to enrich the taste this called "Bandrek Susu", milky spice drink.

Bahan - Bahan  /  Ingredients

300 gr jahe segar, kupas dan memarkan
300 gr fresh ginger, peeled and bruised

300 gr gula merah
300 gr palm sugar

1 sdt merica hitam utuh
1 tsp pepper corn

10 gr kayu manis
10 gr cinnamon stick

5 gr cengkeh
5 gr cloves

3 batang sereh, memarkan
3 stalk lemon grass, bruised

5 lembar pandan
5 pandan leaves

3 L air
3 L water

1/2 sdt garam
1/2 tsp salt

Cara memasak / Preparations

Campur semua bahan kemudian didihkan selama 10 menit, kecilkan api dan lanjutkan memasak selama 20 - 30 menit. Tutup panci. Saring dan air bandrek siap dihidangkan panas maupun dingin.
Mix in all ingredients and bring to boil for 10 minutes, then simmer for another 20 - 30 minutes. Put the lid on. Put through the sieve and ready to be served hot or cold 


Untuk mendapatkan rasa yang lebih mantap simpan campuran dalam kulkas selama 1 - 2 hari, panaskan   kemudian disaring.
To get a richer taste, keep the mixture in the fridge for 1 - 2 days (to let the aroma to develope), reheat and put through the sieve.


  1. Can't wait to try some bandrek among other foods/drinks when I'm in Medan probably in about 2 months. Should be awesome as everyone keeps telling me I'm in for a treat!

    1. Hi Adam..., go ahead indulge yourself with Medan food and drink..... If you wish to have bandrek, I was told "Bandrek Said" is one of the best in Medan. There are three places : Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jl Ayahanda and Jl Titi Kuning....

  2. This is my Country ,,, and i love it
