
Sunday, 3 February 2013

Healthy and tasty soy milk ( Susu Kedele )

More and more people are drinking soy mild instead of dairy milk. Some are for dieting and some are for health reason. You can buy in supermarket or market and there are quite a few brand available. But most of them contain sugar and additive.

If you wish to make yourself there are many machine, juicer or food processor able to make quick soy milk. I make it once a week this last two years with a special juicer that separate the milk and residue instantly, but honestly the old fashion way is far better both in taste or texture. It is more work and fiddly, but its well worth it.

The addition of sesame seeds and pandan leaves give an extra flavour and richer in taste...... My recipe here is thick and rich, please add more water if you wish to have it thinner while you were boiling the mixture.

Saya membuat susu kedele hampir seminggu sekali dengan menggunakan mesin, tapi akhirnya saya kembali ke metode lama karena memang rasa dan teksturnya lebih enak dan bagus, memang lebih banyak pekerjaan....

Resep saya memakai biji wijen dan daun pandan agar rasanya lebih enak. Resep ini juga menghasilkan susu kedele yang cukup kental, jika anda menyukai lebih encer, silahkan menambah jumlah air sewaktu merebus campuran kedele. Silahkan mencoba.

you will need / bahan-bahan

300 gr soy beans (soaked overnight, will make approximately 700 gr)
300 gr kacang kedele ( direndam satu malam, akan menjadi 700 gr)

3 tbsp sesame seeds (roast)
3 sdm wijen (digoreng sangan)

3 pandan leaves
3 lembar daun pandan

3 L water
3 L air

sugar (optional)
gula (jika perlu)

 method / cara memamasak

Put the soaked soy beans together with sesame seeds in a blender with some water (from the 3 L) in batches until smooth and put in a large saucepan with the rest of the water.
masukkan kedele yang telah direndam dan biji wijen kedalam blender dengan sedikit air (dari yang 3 L), buat beberapa kali sampai halus, kemudian masukkan ke dalam panci dengan sisa air.

Add the pandan leaves in the mixture and bring to a boil on medium heat and stir constantly, to avoid from sticking to bottom of the pan. 
Masukkan pandan dalam campuran kedele dan didihkan dengan api sedang sambil terus diaduk, supaya tidak mengendap dan melekat di dasar panci.

Immediately turn the heat down and simmer for another 20 minutes, stir occasionally.
Segera kecilkan api dan lanjutkan memasak selama 20 menit, aduk sekali-sekali

Use a cheese cloth or coffee filter or any material you think you can use to filter the soybean residue. 
Gunakan kain muslin atau apa bahan apa saja yang anda gunakan untuk menyaring.

At this point, you can use or drink the soy milk, but I prefer to simmer it for further 15 minutes for richer taste and will keep longer in the fridge.
Sebenarnya sekarang sudah bisa digunakan atau dimimum tapi saya lebih suka merebusnya lagi selama 15 menit atau lebih supaya rasanya lebih kaya dan lebih awet di simpan di kulkas.


  1. Yummy, tasty, and healthy niy Mbak.. Tapi sayangnya kalau buat ini, di keluarga sy ga pernah bertahan lama krn semua suka.. Baru saja masuk ke kulkas, pasti lgsg berebutan semua.. Hehe.. Thank you for the recipe.. Keep inspiring.. ;)


    1. Most welcome Yenny, terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya...
