Setelah membuat bakso daging dan hasilnya lumayan bagus, kepingin mencoba bakso yang tidak pakai additive. Akhirnya dapat resep bakso ayam ini dari hasil googling. Saya ikuti semua caranya step-by-step hanya bumbunya saja yang saya modifikasi, karena pertama sekali mencoba dgn bumbu yang di resep ternyata rasanya kurang pas di lidah.
Bakso ayam ini cukup padat, enak tapi memang tidak kenyal seperti yang beli. Tapi dijamin sudah bagus teksturnya, rasanya enak dan gak perlu was-was dgn bahan additive.
Jika ingin mencoba resep ini, ikutilah benar-benar dulu cara pembuatannya, kalau nanti mau memodifikasi silahkan saja setelah sukses.......
For those who don't eat beef you will be pleased to know that the chicken meatballs is just as good as the meat balls with a much softer texture. And even better news, you do not need to put additive to make it firm and springy. If you are one of those who loves bakso....., it is a must to try this recipe.
Ingredients / bahan yang dibutuhkan
500 gr dada ayam, potong- potong kecil
chicken breast, cut to smaller pieces
125ml air es
icy cold water
4 siung bawang putih, giling halus dengan garam
Cloves garlic, grind with salt into a paste
1 sdt Garam
tsp salt
1/2 Sdm gula
Tbsp sugar
1 Sdm minyak
Tbsp oil
2 Sdm tepung maizena
Tbsp cornflour
1¼ sdt baking powder
tsp baking powder
1 sdt Merica bubuk
Tsp ground white pepper
Cara membuat / Method
1. Masukkan daging ayam ke dalam Blender, sampai halus. Masukkan 5 Sdm air es ( satu-satu sendok) sampai menyatu Dan halus
Mince the meat in a food processor until a paste isform. Add 5 Tbsp water (a Tbsp of water at a time) to get a smooth paste.
2. Dalam mangkok yang lain campurkan sisa air dengan bawang putih halus, gula, minyak, tepung maizena dan baking powdet sampai rata
In a separate cup, mix well together the remaining water, garlic paste, sugar, oil, cornflour and baking powder.
3. Masukkan gilingan ayam kedalam wadah, masukkan air campuran tepung sedikit demi sedikit, uleni adonan sampai cairan terserap habis, kemudian masukan lagi air, uleni, demikian berulang-ulang sampai air habis.
Remove the chicken paste from the food processor and put in a big bowl. Pour the liquid mix to the paste and stir well slowly until the liquid is absorbed into the paste (use either your hand or a fork).
Remove the chicken paste from the food processor and put in a big bowl. Pour the liquid mix to the paste and stir well slowly until the liquid is absorbed into the paste (use either your hand or a fork).
For the taste test...microwave or boil a teaspoon of the paste. Season to taste with more salt or sugar.
5. Masukkan adonan kedalam kantong plastik dan masukkan ke dalam freezer selama 30 menit.
Cover bowl with clingwrap and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Cover bowl with clingwrap and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
6. Rebus air dalam panci sampai mendidih, kemudian matikan api.
Boil a pot of water. Once the water has boiled, remove the pot from the heat
Boil a pot of water. Once the water has boiled, remove the pot from the heat
7. ambil segenggam adonan kemudian tekan sehingga keluar diantara ibu jari dan telunjuk, lakukan berulang-ulang sampai mendapat bentuk bulat, ambil dengan sendok yang telah dibasahi dengan air, agar tidak melekat, lalu masukkan kedalam air panas. (lihat gambar)
Scoop the paste onto your wet hand. Push the paste through your thumb and 2nd finger by making a fist. Use a wet spoon to scoop and drop it into the hot water. To prevent the paste from sticking to your hand and spoon, wet the spoon with water (refer to pictures)
Scoop the paste onto your wet hand. Push the paste through your thumb and 2nd finger by making a fist. Use a wet spoon to scoop and drop it into the hot water. To prevent the paste from sticking to your hand and spoon, wet the spoon with water (refer to pictures)
8. Teruskan membuat bulatan sampai terdapat satu lapisan. Sekarang baru hidupkan api kecil sekali, sehingga tidak mendidih, bahkan tidak ada gelembung. Jika terlalu panas bakso tidak bisa kenyal. (saya pakai 3 panci sekali gus supaya cepat)
Continue until the chicken balls form a layer in the water. Now turn on the heat but do not let it boil. Just simmer slowly without bubble....if not your chicken balls will not have 'bounce'. While cooking the chicken balls, any leftover paste should be kept in the freezer.
Continue until the chicken balls form a layer in the water. Now turn on the heat but do not let it boil. Just simmer slowly without bubble....if not your chicken balls will not have 'bounce'. While cooking the chicken balls, any leftover paste should be kept in the freezer.
9. Isi baskom dengan air es campur es batu biar tahan dingin. Jika bakso sudah mengapung tandanya sudah masak, tapi biarkan untuk beberapa saat supaya benar-benar matang. Angkat dan masukkan ke dalam baskom yang berisi air dingin.
Fill a big basin with icy cold water. When the chicken balls starts to float, leave for a few more seconds. (Cut one in half to see if it is cook. The inside should not be pink). Scoop out and let it cool in the cold water.
Fill a big basin with icy cold water. When the chicken balls starts to float, leave for a few more seconds. (Cut one in half to see if it is cook. The inside should not be pink). Scoop out and let it cool in the cold water.
10. Setelah dingin, angkat dan sisihkan
After the chicken balls have cooled, remove and strain.
After the chicken balls have cooled, remove and strain.
11. Sewaktu akan digunakan atau dimakan, sebaiknya dimasak lagi, ini tidak akan mempengaruhi tekstur bakso.
It is better to cook/boil the balls again before eating. Further boiling after this stage will not affect its bounciness.
It is better to cook/boil the balls again before eating. Further boiling after this stage will not affect its bounciness.
Membuat kuah bakso / making the broth
To make a simple broth to go with the chicken balls, use this easy ingredients :
3 L air rebusan bakso
water (from boiling chicken balls)
4 sdm bawang goreng
tbsp fried shallots,
3 sdm bawang putih goreng
tbsp fried chopped garlic,
1 sdt merica bubuk
tsp ground white pepper,
1 butir bunga lawang
star anise
1 sdt gula atau secukupnya
tsp sugar or to taste
Garam secukupnya
Salt to taste
Untuk tambahan daun bawang atau daun ketumbar.
saya tinggal dimedan, tapi blom pernah nyoba masakan ini. ntar nyoba bwt sendiri .. makasih gan.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih sudah, berkunjung ke blog saya. Silahkan mencoba resep ini, dan ikuti benar2 step by step, terutama sewaktu memasukkan kedalam air . Apapun hasilnya, kirim kabar lagi yah....
ReplyDeleteMinggu lalu saya buat 2 kg dada ayam, hasilnya bagus, kenyal dan enak tanpa bahan pengenyal maupun penguat rasa (MSG)
Selamat mencoba....
Trims ibu buat resep nya
DeleteThank you mbak Luluk for sharing your expertise! You should commercially publish your fine work soon. Bless your heart :-)
ReplyDeleteMost welcome, thank you for visiting my blog...
DeleteSeneng bisa ketemu resep bakso ayam, musti nyoba neh resepnya
ReplyDeleteTy mbak Luluk
Most welcome, kayaknya bank kerjanya tapi hasilnya memuaskan, selamat mencoba
Deletelook good and yummy .............. i want to try