Walaupun sudah dari dulu mengenal kue yang satu ini dan sangat menyukainya, hanya baru-baru ini saja mengerti apa artinya.
Bagi masyarakat Cina, kue ku adalah kue yang secara tradisional dibuat untuk kelahiran anak dan ulang tahun. Biasanya berwarna merah, tapi sekarang ini warnanya bermacam-macam. Ada yang hijau karena dibuat dengan sari pandan, warna ungu karena dibuat dari ubi ungu. Saya membuatnya dengan labu kuning (saya pilih labu yang warna dagingnya oranye tua, memang harus dibelah belinya supaya tau warnanya), tentu saja warnanya kuning. Selain warna yang menarik tanpa bahan pewarna tambahan rasanya juga lebih enak dibanding yang dari ubi rambat (menurut saya).
Untuk resep isinya saya mengambil ( dengan sedikit modifikasi) dari blog kitchentigress, yang memberi penjelasan detail cara membuatnya. Hanya saja saya tambahi pandan sewaktu merebus kacang hijau nya untuk menambah aroma. Yang pasti resep ini akan saya simpan karena tekstur, rasa dan aromanya memang spesial, bisa digunakan untuk macam-macam isi, misalnya onde-onde dan bak pau.
Kue ini kadang-kadang disebut kue thok (di Jawa) karena sewaktu mengeluarkan kue dari cetakan harus dipukulkan ke permukaan yang keras dan berbunyi "thok". Kue ku sudah merupakan jajan pasar yang selalu tersedia di toko kue tanpa menunggu ada perayaan. Kalau ada waktu cobalah resep anti gagal ini, mudah dan yang pasti lebih enak dari pada membeli.
Kacang hijau kupas dapat dibeli di pasar tradisional tertentu misalnya Pajak Beruang dan selalu ada di Berastagi Supermarket.
This cake is popular amongst Chinese, because of its meaning though everyone loves it. The normal cake is made of glutinous rice flour, sweet potato and red food colouring. But this time I use pumpkin instead, it taste better as well as gives an interesting colour.
Here is the compilation from wikipedia :
Red tortoise cake (Chinese: 紅龜粿; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Âng-Ku-Kóe) is a small round or oval shaped Chinese pastrywith soft sticky glutinous rice flour skin wrapped around a sweet filling in the centre.[1][2] It is molded to resemble a tortoise shell and is presented resting on a square piece of banana leaf. As suggested by its name, red tortoise cakes are traditionally red in color and has a sticky chewy texture when eaten.[3] Red tortoise cakes are shaped like tortoise shells because the Chinese traditionally believed that eating tortoises would bring longevity to those who are eating it and bring about good fortune and prosperity.[4][5] Considered to be auspicious items, these sweet pastries are especially prepared during important festivals such asChinese New Year as offerings to the Chinese deities.
Red tortoise cakes are also prepared for occasions that are culturally important to the Chinese such as a newborn baby's first month or birthdays of the elderly. Eating red tortoise cakes during these times are meant to represent blessings for the child and longevity for the elderly.[4][6] In modern times, red tortoise cakes continue to be important food items during Chinese festivals in many countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Taiwanand southern Thailand provinces such as Phuket,Phang-Nga and Trang. However, eating red tortoise cakes in these countries is no longer restricted to special occasions for red tortoise cakes are also commercially available in many pastry shops and bakeries.
There are two main components in red tortoise cakes, the skin and the filling. The skin is made mostly from glutinous rice flour and sweet potato whereas the fillings are made from precooked ingredients such as mung bean or grounded peanuts and sugar. After kneading and molding the ingredients together, the red tortoise cakes are steamed on a piece of banana leaf. In countries such as Singapore, these pastries are popular snack items and are especially popular with children because of their sweet and savory taste. In fact, many bakeries in Singapore have created red tortoise cakes in a variety of assorted flavors, including jelly and red bean, to cater to all tastes and preferences.
Untuk Kulit / For the skin
170 gr labu kuning yang telah dikupas, dipotong, dikukus dan dihaluskan
170 gr peeled pumpkin, diced, steam and mashed
170 gr tepung pulut (ketan)
170 gr gelatinous rice flour
2 sdt gula
2 tsp sugar
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 tsp salt
60 gr sari santan (santan tanpa air)
60 gr thick coconut milk
Cara membuat / Preparation
Campur semua bahan sampai rata. Adonan ini agak lengket. Masukkan ke plastik simpan dalam kulkas sekurangnya 2 jam. Adonan akan memadat dan mengeras sehingga bisa dibentuk.
Mixed well all ingredients. This mixture is sticky and soft. Put this dough in a plastic bag in the fridge for at least 2 hours. The dough will be solid and hardened
Make balls, approximately 25 gr each
Buat bola-bola, kira-kira masing-masing 25 gr.
Untuk isi / For the filling
160 gr kacang hijau kupas
160 gr split mungbeans
200 ml air
200 ml water
115 gula putih
115 granulated sugar
70 ml minyak
70 ml oil
1 pandan leaf
1 lembar daun pandan
tepung beras untuk taburan
rice flour for dusting
minyak untuk olesan
oil for glazing
daun pisang untuk alas
banana leaves
Cara membuat / preparation
Rendam kacang hijau sekurangnya selama 2 jam, tiriskan
Soak the split mungbeans, at least 2 hours, drain
Didihkan air, masukkan kacang hijau dan pandan, rebus sampai lembut dan air mengering, jika sudah kering tapi belum lembut tambahkan sedikit air.
Bring the water to a boil, add the split mungbeans and pandan leaf, boil until soft and the water completely reduced, if the water has gone dry yet the beans is still hard, add some more water.
Ambil daun pandan kemudian haluskan kacang (boleh digunakan hand blender)
Take the pandan leaf then blend to a smooth paste (use hand blender is more practical)
Campurkan kacang hijau giling, minyak dan gula kemudian masak dengan api besar sampai mengental, kalis dan mengkilat, aduk terus supaya tidak gosong.
Mix well the mungbean paste, oil and sugar. On high heat cook and constantly stir (to avoid burnt )the mixture until thickened and shiny
Biarkan dingin, adonan akan bertambah padat.
Leave the paste to cool
Buat bola-bola, kira-kira masing-masing 20 gr.
Make balls approximately 20 gr each.
Membuat Kue ku / to assemble the cake
Taburi cetakan dengan tepung beras.
Dust the mould lightly with rice flour
Potong daun pisang kotak-kotak sesuai ukuran kue dan sedikit olesi dengan minyak
Cut banana leaves in to squares and grease lightly with oil
Tekan adonan kulit sebesar diameter 6 cm
Flattened the skin dough about 6 cm in diameter
Letakkan isi ditengah kulit kemudian bungkus dan bentuk menjadi bola kembali sampai halus permukaannya.
Put the filling in the middle and wrap around with the skin dough, make a smooth ball.
Letakkan bola ke dalam cetakan dan tekan sedikit tapi kuat, supaya gambar pada cetakan nampak
Place the ball into the mould and press lightly but firm to get the mark of the mould
Untuk mengeluarkan kue ku, ketukkan cetakan pada permukaan yang keras di atas daun pisang yang diletakkan dibawahnya.
To remove the kue ku, knock the mould on a hard surface and place banana leaves underneath.
Didihkan air dalam kukusan, masukkan kue ku yang telah dicetak, kemudian kecilkan api, maska selama 5 - 6 menit.
Bring water to a big boil in a steamer, put the kue ku, turn the heat down immediately, continue cooking for 5 - 6 minutes
Keluarkan kue ku dari kukusan, kemudian olesi dengan minyak agar tidak kering dan mengkilat.
Remove kue ku from the steamer, glaze with oil to keep the skin moist and shiny.