I like to share this simple recipe that I love to have it every day with rice. My mother used to cook this a lot. Tempe is one of very popular food in Indonesia. It is very versatile to cook, delicious as well as very nutritious. I have posted some tempe recipes in the past and this is another one that is suitable for vegetarian. This recipe is different to one we called "kering tempe", since the tempe is quite tender and moist. If you like tempe, do try this recipe, you'll love it.
Bahan-bahan / Ingredients
1/2 kg tempe, potong panjang
1/2 kg tempe, cut match stick
4 siung bawang putih, rajang
4 cloves garlic, sliced
8 bawang merah, rajang
8 shallots, sliced
5 cabe merah, potong miring
5 red chilli, sliced
10 cabe merah, potong miring
10 bird's eye chilli, sliced
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
2 cm galangal, bruised
3 lembar daun salam
3 salam leaves
4 sdm kecap asin
4 tbsp light soy sauce
5 sdm kecap manis Bango
5 tbsp sweet soy sauce (Bango)
1 cangkir air
1 cup water
garam secukukpnya
salt to taste
minyak untuk menumis dan menggoreng tempe
oil for sautéing and frying
Cara memasak / preparation
goreng tempe 1/2 masak, jangan terlalu kering, sisihkan
fry the tempe half done, but not too dry, set aside
tumis bumbu rajang sampai harum, masukkan air, daun salam dan lengkuas, masak sampai mendidih
sauté the sliced ingredients till fragrant, add in the water, salam leaves and galangal, bring to a boil
masukkan tempe aduk rata
put in the tempe, stir evenly

tambahkan kecap asin dan kecap manis, tambah garam secukupnya
add the light soy sauce and sweet sauce, add the salt if necessary
masak lagi selama beberapa menit sampai air berkurang tetapi tidak kering. Siap dihidangkan.
continue cooking for a couple of minutes or until the water reduced but not dry. It is now ready to be served
sepertinya mudah dibuat dan rasanya enak, cocok bagi hidangan keluarga, saya agak tidak suka tempe, namun ini perlu dicoba, siapa tahu bisa merubah selera :-) ya kan?