This traditional cake is very soft and rich, that is why I make a quarter of the normal size. Most people find the original size is rather large. So this is just right size, just a bite size
Bahan / Ingredients
500 g kentang
100 g margarin
4 butir telur ayam
whole eggs
200 g gula pasir
750 ml santan kental/susu cair
thick coconut milk or full cream milk
175 g tepung terigu
all purpose flour
margarin untuk olesan
margarine for greasing
Prune untuk garnish, tradisionalnya menggunakan kismis dan kelapa muda
prune for garnish, traditionally we use raisins and young coconut
Cara Membuat / Preparation
Kukus kentang,sampai matang, kupas dan haluskan
Steam potatoes until ready, peeled and pureed
Masukkan margarine, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
Kocok gula dan telur sampai gula larut.
Creamed sugar and egg
Masukkan tepung terigu sedikit-sedikit, sambil aduk rata.
Add in the flour a little bit at a time and mix well
Masukkan kentang sedikit-sedikit bergantian dengan santan kental aduk sampai rata.
Now put the mash or pureed potato and coconut milk alternately, and stir well
Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur, gunakan api kecil.
put the mould over a low heat
Olesi cetakan dengan sedikit margarin.
Grease the mould with a little margarine
Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan,jangan terlalu penuh,tutup cetakan,gunakan api sedang
Pour in the mixture into the mould 3/4 full over medium heat and put the lid on.
Setelah agak beku pinggirnya, tambahkan prune
When the sides of the cakes starting to harden put in the garnish
Tutup kembali cetakan,lanjutkan memanggang sampai matang.
Angkat, sajikan hangat.
Put the lid back on and cook for further 5 minutes or until ready
Untuk 40-50 buah, tergantung besar cetakan
Makes 40 - 50 cakes, depend on the size of the mould