
or Welcome, as we say in this part of Indonesia!

I am Luluk. I live in Medan, on the island of Sumatra. One of the largest among the 17,000 islands that form the Indonesian archipelago. Just north of the equator, I am surrounded by volcanoes and lush green rain forest, plantations of oil palm, rubber and cocoa interspersed with rice fields, tea and clove gardens. Truly paradise!

Medan is also home to one of the most exotic cuisines.  The coming and going of traders and colonialists --- the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Indians, the Arabs, the Chinese, the Javanese --- have all left indelible impressions on the food of this area.

In my blog, I want to take you on a culinary journey. You will discover and savour the magical and aromatic spices and herbs ( many of which grow in my own garden ) and the amazing multi ethnic completely fresh flavours of this region. The recipes have been sampled in traditional restaurants and gathered from family and friends. Then I have tried, tested each and every one of them, and adapted a few,  in my kitchen. Substitute ingredients have also been mentioned to ensure that you can still enjoy the dishes, in case particular ingredients can't be found.

My passions are cooking, food presentation, photography, flower arrangement and gardening. I will try and showcase all these in my blog.

This is a work in progress. I will be adding and even tweaking some recipes. I look forward to constructive comments from you.


  1. HI, Luluk,
    Your photography and blogging have come a long way and very alluring now, tempting to see more n more...
    I'll keep coming back.
    Congratulations !

  2. Thanks Poonam, for the compliment....., do visit and recommend to your new friends....
    Thanks again.

    1. Hello Luluk,

      Thank you very much for the coffee - my wife was really happy.

      We also had a look together at your blog (we were visitor 99531) and especially the soya milk (eventually for our youngest son cyril)

      Best Greetings, Sven & Nathalie

  3. Hallo Luluk,
    Senang sekali saya ketika ketemu blog kamu. Masakannya mirip sekali dengan masakan kami di kampung. Boleh kan saya link blog kamu ke blog saya???


    1. Senang sekali sudah berkunjung ke blog saya..., dan silahkan kalau me - link.

  4. Hi. Salam kenal dari Malaysia. Teringin mencuba resepinya. Cuma ada sesetengah istilah Bahasa Indonesia yang saya kurang faham, melainkan jika diterjemah kepada Bahasa Ingeris. Terima kasih.

    1. Hi Ateera, thanks for visiting my blog, I do write most of my posts bilingual, but yes there are some recipes that only in Bahasa Indonesia. Please do not hesitate to write if there is specific recipe you would like to try.

  5. Halo, Kak Luluk. Aku sama kawan-kawan kuliah dapet tugas ngeliput makanan tradisional untuk dijadikan iklan ni. Boleh nggak kami main ke basecamp Kakak? Domisili kami di Medan.
    Ini kontak kami:
    Makasih sebelumnya, Kak. :)

  6. Hi Luluk,

    I enjoy your food blog very much, I used to live in Medan, and I missed lots of Medan's food. I can't find recipe for Medan Wonton Mie, the one with the Chinese BBQ pork. Can you post one here?


    1. Hi Julie, I've posted how to make the wonton previously. Making Chicken BBQ ( Chicken Char Siew) is in my list instead of pork. Will be posted soon. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  7. hai luluk, salam kenal..
    Saya senang dengan liputan anda.. bisa hubungi saya ga? mau mencoba promosi Tentang 1 jenis kuliner baru di blog anda :)
    HP 082165561555 / E-mail wieliang55@gmail.com thanks

  8. Hai Luluk,
    Resep2 di blognya Luluk penuh inspirasi dan jd tertarik utk mencoba. Saya mau coba bikin kue maruku, dan pengen banget bikin pakai cetakan yg dari kuningan dan berbentuk tabung. Bisa tlg belikan di toko kasturi ? Nanti saya transfer uangnya. No hp saya 082122582638

    1. Hi Fatty, cetakan kuningan yang seperti di foto itu dari Malaysia, yang di toko Kesturi sedikit berbeda. Boleh kirimkan alamatnya?

  9. Selamat Siang Ibu Luluk,

    perkenalkan saya Cynthia dari salah satu agency digital di jakarta. kami ingin menawarkan kerjasama kepada para Food Blogger untuk Salah satu Brand bumbu masak. untuk detail bentuk kerjasama nya saya dapat mengirimkan nya ke alamat Email ibu. atau ibu dapat menghubungi kami di media@sasainti.com

    kami tunggu kabar baiknya.

    Terima Kasih,


    1. Siang Cynthia, terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya, untuk lebih lanjut bisa hubungi saya di email saya : williamsluluk@gmail.com

  10. Hai Luk,

    Makasih buat postingan resep2 masakannya. Saya akan mencoba beberapa resep yang mencuri perhatian saya :)
    Salam Kenal sari saya (big hug)

    Zie Medan

  11. Hi Zie, terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya. Salam kenal.

  12. I love your blog. So many great recipes that I can't wait to try. I'm from Medan too and I'm excited to discover your blog. I don't know if you are on pinterest or not, but would love to invite you to contribute to Taste of Indonesia Board https://www.pinterest.com/whattocooktoday/taste-of-indonesia/

    1. Hi Marvelina, glad you like the blog, I am on Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/lulukwilliams/indonesian-food/
      Yes, will start to contribute on your board. Hope Indonesian Food will be more Internationally recognised.

  13. Horas Luluk...

    Saya orang Batak...senang sekali menemukan blog ini. Penuh dengan foto-foto cantik dan sangat informative. Pastinya akan banyak orang lebih mengenal masakan khas Batak/Medan...

    Keep up the good work...!

    Evi Jakarta

    1. Horas Evi, terima kasih sudah menyemangati saya...., will post more Batak recipes in the future.
