Wednesday 13 February 2013

Nasi Goreng Teri Pete (Stink Bean and Anchovy Fried Rice)

Beberapa minggu lalu, kami arisan di restoran seorang teman....., beberapa teman memesan menu ini "nasi goreng pete ikan teri", aku sendiri gak begitu ngefans dengan pete....tapi jadi kepingin coba.  Ternyata rasanya memang enak..... Jadi pingin masak sendiri di rumah, inilah hasilnya.....yum...yum... 

Bagi kita membuat nasi goreng bukanlah rocket science....kita bisa membuat seribu satu variasi...., tapi mungkin resep ini membawa inspirasi...., mana lagi musim hujan begini.....mari dicoba....

Stink beans is very popular in Indonesian cuisine and is a little bit like either love it or hate it, nothing in between. The strong taste and flavour put off many but some really adore it.
So here is some more information about stink bean that I compile from wikipedia...

Parkia speciosa (bitter beantwisted cluster bean, or stink bean) is a plant of the genus Parkia in the familyFabaceae. It bears long, flat edible beans with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell, similar (but stronger) to the Shiitake mushroom, characterised by some as being similar to natural gas.[1

The beans or other Parkia species (Parkia javanica and Parkia singalaris for example) are popular as culinary ingredient in IndonesiaMalaysiaSingaporeLaos, southern ThailandBurma, and northeastern India, and are sold in bunches, still in the pod, or the seeds are sold in plastic bags. Pods are gathered from the wild, or from cultivated trees: they are exported in jars or cans, pickled in brine, or frozen

Culinary use

It is known as petaipete or peteh in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. In marketplace, depending on the country of origin Parkia species may be labelled petehpetaiyongchaayongchaakZawngṭah (pronounced Zongtrah). They are best when combined with other strongly flavoured foods such as garlicchili peppers, dried shrimp orshrimp paste, as in sambal petai. When young the pods are flat because the seeds have not yet developed, and they hang like a bunch of slightly twisted ribbons, pale green, almost translucent. At this stage they may be eaten raw, fried or pickled. Young tender pods with undeveloped beans can be used whole in stir-fried dishes.
In Indonesia, petai is very popular in the highlands of Java and Sumatra, especially among Sundanese,Minangkabau and many other people in different cultures of the island. In Sundanese cuisine petai might be eaten raw with sambal as part of lalab, fried or grilled. It also can be stir fried and mixed with oncom. In Java and Sumatra, it also might be added to sayur lodeh or sambal goreng ati petai (fried diced cow or chicken liver in sambal and petai). Nasi goreng kambing petai is popular variant of nasi goreng with goat meat and petai. In Minangkabau cuisine it usually become part of lado (Minang sambal) for ayam pop (Padang style fried chicken). (source wikipedia)

bahan-bahan / ingredients

2 bowls of rice
2 mangkok nasi

10 stink beans, cut in 6 wedges each
10 biji pete (masing-masing potong menjadi 6)

40 gr Medan dried anchovy
40 gr teri Medan

2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 sdm kecap asin

1 tbsp sweet soy sauce 
1 sdm kecap manis

1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1/2 sdt merica bubuk

salt to taste
garam secukupnya

cooking oil
minyak untuk menggoreng 

bumbu yang dihaluskan / the paste

5 red chill
5 cabe keriting

5 birds eye chili
5 cabe rawit

10 shallots
10 bawang merah

2 cloves garlic
2 siung bawang putih

Method / cara memasak

Prepare 2 bowls of  rice
Siapkan 2 mangkok nasi 

Fry the dried anchovy with enough oil until done (not to dry). Set aside. Remove some of the oil and leave about 3 table spoon of the oil for sautéing the paste.
Goreng ikang teri dengan minyak yang cukup (jangan goreng terlalu kering). Sisihkan. Ambil sebagian dari minyak dan sisakan 3 sdm untuk menumis bumbu

Saute the paste until fragrant, add the the stink bean, continue cooking for one more minute
Tumis bumbu sampai harum kemudian masukkan pete, lanjutkan memasak kurang lebih 1 menit

Put the rice ini and add the rest of ingredients included the fried anchovy (leave some for garnish). Stir well and taste, you may add more salt and soy sauce to your taste. It is now ready to serve, or keep for a couple of minutes to let the stink beans flavour absorbed in fried rice....
Masukkan nasi, tambahkan bumbu lainnya termasuk ikan teri (tinggal sedikit untuk garnish). Aduk dan cicipi, tambahi kecap atau garam sampai didapat rasa yang diinginkan. Angkat, dapat dihidangkan langsung atau biarkan sebentar agar aroma pete meresap ke dalam nasi....

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