Tuesday 19 February 2013

Ceker Ayam Dim Sum ( Chicken Feet Dim Sum )

How do I describe this dish...., it looks like The Adam's family dinner and  Andrew Zimmerman has tried this dish in his series bizarre food, and surely makes a lot of people cringe (so do my husband and son)  just seeing the picture, but it is a delicacy to many Asian cuisine. If you go to dim sum restaurant, the chicken feet will be in the menu and it is very popular. 

Kalau pergi ke restauran dim sum pasti mengorder menu ini, biasanya dihidangkan di piring kecil dalam steamer, isinya hanya 5 biji....gak cukup untuk satu orang. Jadi sebaiknya buat sendiri, memang ribet dan butuh proses panjang untuk mendapat rasa enak dan tekstur yang lembut. But its all worth the effort, bisa makan sepuasnya dan rasanya enak...., apalagi makan dengan teman-teman sambil ngobrol....

Bahan yang dibutuhkan  /  Ingredients

1 kg ceker ayam yang telah dibersihkan
1 kg chiken feed, usually it is ready and clean well when you buy in market or supermarket

10 sdm Kecap manis
10 tbsp sweet soy sauce ( substitute with dark soy sauce and add 2 tbsp of sugar or to taste)

1.5 L air untuk merebus
1.5 L water for cooking

2 Bunga lawang
2 star anise

1/2 sdt bubuk ngo hiong, kalau tidak ada ganti dengan 1 cm kayu manis
1/2 tsp five spice, if it isn't available just put 1 cm cinnamon instead

1 sdm cuka
1 tbsp vinegar ( I use apple cider vinegar)

1 sdm saus tiram
1 tbsp oyster sauce

1 sdm saus hoi sin  (optional), bisa beli siap di supermarket 
1 tbsp hoi sin sauce (optional), buy in a jar in supermarket

1 sdt minya wijen
1 tsp sesame oil

garam secukupnya
salt to taste

bumbu rendam / for marinate 

4 siung bawang putih, giling halus
4 cloves garlic, finely pounded

1/2 sdt Merica, finely ground

1/2 tsp white pepper, finely ground

1/4 sdt bubuk ngohiong
1/4 tsp five spice powder

3 sdt kecap asin
3 tsp light soy sauce

Bumbu yang dihaluskan  / the paste

5 Bawang merah
5 shallots

4 siung bawang putih 
4 cloves garlic

2 cabe merah
2 red chili

2 sdm tauco
2 tbsp fermented yellow soy bean

cara memasak  /  method

Campur ayam dengan bumbu rendam sekurangnya 1 jam
Marinate  the chicken with the marinate ingredients for at least 1 hour

Goreng sampai kering tetapi tidak gosong ( lebih kering menggoreng, lebih lembut kulitnya)
Deep fried the marinated chicken until really dry (not burnt, the drier the softer the end result)

Setelah diangkat langsung rendam air es sampai mengembang
immediately soak in ice cold water until all the chicken feed absorb the water 

Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan sampai harum dan masak, masukkan berturut-turut air, ceker dan bumbu lainnya. Aduk rata. Biarkan mendidih selama  beberapa menit kemudian kecilkan api. Lanjutkan memasak selama satu jam atau lebih. 
Saute the paste until fragrant, add in water, chicken feet and the rest of ingredients, bring it to a boil and leave it for a few minutes than simmer for 1 hour or more.

Jika ingin mendapatkan rasa yang maksimum, hidangkan keesokan harinya
If you want to get a maximum flavour ant taste, serve the next day.

Sajikan panas-panas
Serve while it is hot

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