Unless you are vegetarian, probably chicken is the most often meat we consumed. Children love chicken and I think roast chicken is their favourite specially accompany with mash potatoes and peas.
This recipe is rather unconventional since I use soy sauce for marinate, but it makes the roast chicken tastier and give an even golden colour when its cooked.
Anak-anak menyukai ayam panggang apalagi kalau tidak pedas. Saya sudah memasak dengan resep ini berulang kali, biasanya dengan mash potatoes....., favourite anakku. Kalau untuk kita, enaknya dimakan dengan sambal kecap yang pedasssss....
You will need / bahan yang dibutuhkan
1.5 kg ayam
2 gelas air atau lebih
2 cups water or more
1 bawang bombay besar
1 large red onion
2 sdm tepung
tbsp flour
50 gr butter atau mentega
The marinate / bumbu
1 jeruk nipis
lemon or lime
1/2 bawang bombay, cincang halus
onion finely chopped
2 bawang putih, cincang halus
clove garlic finely chopped
1 sdm kecap asin
tbsp light soysouce
1 sdt merica hitam
tsp blackpepper
garam secukupnya atau 1 sdm
salt to taste or 1 tbsp

Preparation / cara memasak
Lumuri ayam dengan bumbu dan biarkan sekurangnya selama 1 jam, lebih lama lebih baik
Marinate the chicken with the spice at for 1 hour, the longer the better
Panaskan oven 200 C
Pre heat the oven to 200 C
Masuk kedalam roasting dish, 1 bawang bombay yang dibelah dua ( cuci bersih tapi biarkan kulitnya, supaya warna gravy bisa bertambah gelap) dan 2 gelas air dan letakkan ayam di atas bawang bombay.
Put in roasting dish, 1 onion cut in half (leave the skin on, to give darker colour to the gravy) and 2 cups of water and put the marinated chicken on the onion.
Put the chicken in the oven uncovered for 20 minutes or until the chicken turn slightly golden.
Turunkan suhu open ke 180 C, tutupi ayam dengan alumunium foil, lanjutkan memasak selama 30 - 40 menit atau sampai ayam matang dan berwarna coklat muda. Sekali-sekali periksa air, jika mulai mengering tambahi 1/2 gelas lagi
Turn the heat down to 180 C, cover the chicken with aluminium foil and cook for further 30 - 40 minutes or until the chicken is cook and golden. Occasionally check on the water, add 1/2 cup if necessary.
untuk memerikasa ayam benar-benar masak, tusuk bagian ayam yang berdaging paling tebal, seperti bagian paha dan dada. Jika cairan yang keluar berwarna jernih (tidak ada darah) , ayam sudah masak.
check by inserting a skewer in the thickest part of the body i.e., thigh or breast. If the juice comes out clear, it is ready…
keluarkan dari oven, tetap ditutupi dan biarkan istirahat selama 15 - 20 menit sebelum dihidangkan
remove the chicken from the oven, cover and let it rest for 15 - 20 minutes before serving
membuat gravy / making the gravy
panaskan butter sampai agak kecoklatan kemudian masukkan tepung, aduk rata
melt the butter in a saucepan until slightly brown, add the flower, mix well
tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit air bekas panggangan sampai tercampur rata dan berstektur halus
add the juice from the chicken a little at a time, stir well until smooth.
rasakan garam dan merica
taste the salt and pepper