Saturday 12 January 2013

Champagne and Fruit Jelly (Jelly Champagne dan buah)

We had  some good friends over for dinner. and we had roast  duck breast for main course. It was cooked to perfection the skin was crispy and the middle was pink. My mother in law and I worked together and we were very happy as the main course turned out right. It was delicious, tender and rich.

So the choice of making Fizzy Drink Fruit Jelly as dessert was just right after a rich main course. It was refreshing and clean the palate. The other reason of choosing this dessert is because it is simple  and take no time at all as well as foolproof.

Here is the ingredients / bahan yang diperlukan

4 tsp gelatine or 1 sachet
    sdt gelatin atau 1 sachet

140 ml elderflower cordial (home made last summer) or rose water
    elderflower cordial atau rose water atau rasa spa saga yang and a suka....markisah? melon.? sillahkan mencoba

2 tbsp of caster sugar
    sdm gula

420 ml of fizz (sweet fizzy white wine, she made with prosecco or champagne)
    anggur putih manis...mertuaku pakai prosecco atau champagne, tapi kalau tidak mau pakai alkohol, mungkin bisa diganti dengan Sprite.
Method / Cara membuatnya

Put fizz, cordial and sugar in a pan, sprinkle on the top the gelatine, let it melt
Dalam panci masukkan minuman (yang berkarbonat) pilihan anda, syrup pilihan anda dan gula kemudian taburkan gelatin diatasnya. Biarkan sebentar sampai gelatine larut.

Put the pan on low medium heat, keep stirring until the sugar and gelatine completely  dissolves, set aside for 10 minute
Panaskan panci dengan api kecil-sedang, aduk-aduk terus sampai semua gula dan gelatine benar-benar larut. Biarkan dingin kira-kira 10 menit.

Meanwhile, fill the individual glass 1/2 full  with the mix fruit. Use any fruits of your choice except pineapple and Kiwi because the gelatine won't set....!!!. We used seedless red and green grapes and blueberry.
Sementara itu, isi gelas setengah penuh dengan buah pilihan anda, kecuali buah kiwi dan nenas karena gelatine tidak akan set (mengeras). Kami menggunakan anggur hijau dan merah tanpa biji dan blueberry.
Pour in the liquid into the glass. Let it set in the fridge overnight before serving
Masukkan minuman ke dalam gelas. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas dan biarkan satu malam supaya set mengeras (set)

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