Kalau anda tinggal di Medan dan sekitarnya di tahun 80 an, anda pasti mengenal makanan ini "ifumie Binjei", dulu begitu populer. Hampir semua restoran menawarkan meni ini dan memang banyak penggemarnya, tapi sekarang ini sudah jarang kita jumpai. Ternyata makanan seperti fashion juga...datang dan pergi.
Saya menyukai segala jenis masakan mie (di Medan ini surganya mie). Rindu makan ifumie akhirnya minta resep dari teman saya, Titin, she makes the best Ifumie Binjei. Beberapa hari lalu saya mencoba resep ini untuk makan siang bersama teman-teman. Mereka semua menikmatinya.
Since this dish is name after and originated from Binjai (Binjei) let me introduce this town. Here is the compilation from Wikipedia : Binjai formally Kota Binjai is an independent city in the North Sumatra province of Indonesia, and is surrounded by but not part of the Deli Serdang Regency. Binjai is connected to Medan (the provincial capital), about 22 km, by the Sumatra highway that goes to Banda Aceh, and effectively forms a part of Greater Medan. The "Kota" population was 181,904 in the 1990 Census, 224,516 in the 2000 Census, and 246,010 in 2010 Census.
The origin of Binjai when it established itself as a city is unknown. Historically the Binjai area was situated between two Malay kingdoms, Deli and Langkat. Binjai grew from a small village on the edge of the Bingai River. According to both oral and written accounts of the history of the area, the city of Binjai grew from a small village located on the edge of the Bingai river, approximately where the Pekan Binjai village is located today. Traditional ceremonies were held to lay the foundations of the small village in the shade of a large Binjai Tree at the edge of the Binjai river, which flows into the Wampu River, which is navigable for a large portion of its length. Around the tree were built several houses, which were gradually enlarged, until finally a village hall was built. A lively port also developed, visited by barges from Stabat, Tanjung Pura and Strait of Malacca. Over time, the Binjai tree gave its name to the growing city.
Ok, enough of introduction..., saying Binjai, every one will refer to Rambutan, yes...the best rambutan is from Binjai, the other things that are just as famous : Binjai tofu, Binjai fried chicken and of course this dish "ifumie Binjei".
Ifumie Binjei was very popular in the 80's, most restaurant small or big will serve this dish... and we loved it. But somehow I don't find it anymore. So I asked the recipe from my friend Titin, who is famous for her special ifumie Binjai. Made the dish few days ago for lunch with friends and they enjoyed it very much.
bahan - ingredients
Untuk kuah - for the soup
5 tomatoes, remove the skin and put in a blender
5 buah tomat, buang kulit dan haluskan di dalam blender
1 kg whole chicken deboned, use the bone for the stock
1 kg ayam utuh, lepaskan daging dari tulang, gunakan tulang untuk kaldu
the meat, cut in strips
daging ayamnya, dipotong miring tipis
1 onion sliced
1 bawang bombay, belah dan rajang
50 gr garlic, finely chopped
50 gr bawang putih (kira-kira 10 siung), dicincang halus
3 baby leeks, cut 2 cm
3 daun pre, dipotong miring 2 cm
1 tsp blackpepper
1 sdt merica hitam
3 tbsp corn flour, dissolve in some water, for thickening
3 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air, gunanya untuk mengentalkan kuah
2 tbsp tomato puree (optional, this is to give a nice red colour for the soup)
2 sdm tomato pure ( gunanya untuk memberi warna merah kuah, tapi bisa juga tidak digunakan)
3 stalk of celery
3 batang seledri
1 tbsp sugar
1 sdm gula
salt to taste
garam secukupnya
3 L water
3 L air
Bahan lainnya - For the condiments
300 gr dry ifumie, deep fry until crispy
300 gr ifumie kering, goreng sampai renyah
4 large carrots (leave it whole), boiled in the stock
4 wortel besar utuh, ikut direbus dalam kaldu
100 gr mange tout, blanche
100 gr ercis, rebus sebentar
button mushroom (tin or fresh), sliced and blanched
Jamur kaleng atau segar, dipotong tipis, rebus sebentar
oil to fry
minyak untuk menggoreng
sambal cabe hijau - the green chilli paste
50 gr birds eye chilli
cabe rawit hijau
salt, to taste
garam secukupnya
300 ml water
300 ml air untuk merebus
Boil the chilli on low heat, until soft. Put in a blender until smooth. You may add some more water if you like it thinner.
Rebus cabe hijau dengan api kecil sampai lembut. Haluskan dalam blender. Silahkan menambah air kalau terlalu kental.
Cara memasak - preparation
Put all the soup ingredients in a stock pot, bring to a boil for 15 minutes
Masukkan semua bahan untuk kuah ke dalam panci, didihkan selama 15 menit
Add in the carrots whole (uncut) and the tomatoes in the pot and boil for another 15 minutes then simmer for at least 30 minute (the longer the better, the stock will be more mature), remove the carrots and then sliced, set aside
Masukkan wortel utuh (tidak dipotong) dan tomat yang telah diblender, didihkan lagi selama 15 menit kemudian kecilkan api lanjutkan memasak selama 30 menit (sebenarnya lebih lama lebih baik, karena rasa kaldu akan semakin enak), keluarkan wortelnya, potong miring dan sisihkan
Strain the stock, and now you should have a clean stock
Saring kaldu sehingga kita mendapatkan kaldu yang bersih.
mix well 1 tbsp corn flour with chicken strips, set aside
Campurkan 1 sdm maizena dengan potongan ayam, sisihkan
saute the chopped garlic until fragrant, add in the chicken strips, stir well
tumis bawang putih sampai harum kemudian masukkan potongan ayam, aduk rata
add the slice onion and leeks, stir well for a few menit then put in the clear stock.
masukkan potongan bawang bombay dan bawang pre, masak beberapa menit kemudian masukkan ke dalam kaldu.
Bring stock mixture to a boil for a few minutes, turn the heat down
Didihkan kembali kuah selama beberapa menit, kemudian kecilkan api
add the corn flour and stir well, now you should have a thicker soup, but if you think it is still too runny please add some more.
Masukkan larutan tepung maizena, aduk rata, sekarang kuah akan mengental, tapi jika masih encer, silahkan tambahi tepung maizenanya.
penyajian - how to serve
Break the fried noodles and take enough in your bowl, arrange the condiments carrot, mange tout and mushroom on top of the noodles. Add the soup while it is hot...., if you like it spicy you put the green chilli sauce.....
Ambil ifumie goreng secukupnya, masukkan kedalam mangkok, tambahkan wortel, arcis dan jamur. Siramkan kuah selagi panas..., jika suka pedas, memang lebih pas ditambah saus cabe....
Silahkan mencoba dan menikmati makanan khas dari kota Binjei ini...
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