Sate ayam ( chicken satay )
Most Asian country has their own version of satay. So is every region in Indonesia, the most popular one is sate Madura and sate Ponorogo. Unlike the other recipes, Medan version is using more complex spices. Peanut and more spices is used for the sauce to complement the satay. This make satay Medan is more delicious,.....yes it is more work, but it will worth all the effort.
There is one satay stall in Medan, " Sate Memeng" that has been there for as long as I can remember. It is only a small stall but always busy. They serve, chicken, mutton, beef satay with generous peanut sauce and bird's eye chili sauce to add the umph. The satay is charcoal grill, very traditional......improves the aroma of the satay.
1 kg daging paha ayam, tanpa tulang dan kulit. ( untuk 15 - 20 cucuk sate)
Boneless and skinless chicken thigh (will make 15 - 20 skewers )
1 jeruk nipis
Lemon or lime
Bumbu yang dihaluskan / The paste
1 Sdm ketumbar
Tbsp Coriander
1/2sdm jintan
Tsp Cumin
2 siung bawang putih
Clove garlic
10 bawang merah
50 gr gula merah
Palm sugar
3 Sdm minyak untuk menumis
Persiapan / Method
Potong daging paha ayam, jika dipotong kecil akan menjadi 20 cucuk, jika menyukai agak besar akan menjadi 15 cucuk. lumuri dengan jeruk nipis. Sisihkan.
Cut up the chicken thigh, to the size you prefer, small cut will produce 20 skewers and larger cut will do 15. Rub in the lime juice. Set aside
Tumis semua bumbu sampai harum dan masak, biarkan dingin, kemudian campur dengan ayam, simpan di kulkas sekurang- kurangnya satu jam. Menginap lebih baik.
Meanwhile sauté the paste until fragrant and cooked, leave to cool.
Marinate the chicken with the paste, keep it refrigerated for at least 1 hour or overnight will be better.
Tusuk 4-5 potong daging, sesuai dgn keinginan, sisihkan.
Put 4-5 cuts in a skewer or to your preference, set aside
Siapkan bara api.
Get the charcoal ready for grilling
Panggang sate diatas bara, usahakan tidak ada api yang menyala, agar daging masak dengan sempurna, tetapi tidak gosong.
Grill the satay, try to avoid the flame, this way they will cook properly without being burnt
Bumbu kacang / the peanut sauce
Bumbu yang dihaluskan / the paste
1 Sdm ketumbar
Tbsp coriander
10 bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
Cloves garlic
100 gr gula merah
Palm sugar
1 Sdm Asam Jawa
1 tbsp Tamarind
5 cabe merah
Red chili ( optional )
Garam secukupnya
Salt to taste
Bumbu lainnya / other seasoning
2 cm lengkuas memarkan
Galangal bruised
6 lbr jeruk purut
Kaffir lime leaves
3 lbr daun salam
Salam leaves or bay leaves
100 gr kacang tanah, goreng dan digiling kasar.
Peanut, fried and coarsely ground, may be substituted with crunchy peanut butter
500 ml air
Minyak untuk menggoreng dan menumis
Oil for frying and to sauté the paste
Persiapan / Method
Tumis semua bumbu hingga masak, masukkan kacang yang sudah digiling dan air, biarkan mendidih kemudian kecilkan api. Aduk sekali- sekali sampai bumbu meresap.

Matikan api setelah bumbu kacang mengental
Turn the heat off when the mixture thickened
Hidangkan sate selagi panas, siram dengan saus jangan lupa sambalnya...
Serve the satay while it's hot wit the sauce. Add chili sauce if you prefer it hot...
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