Nasi Biryani
Biryani Rice
Bahan / Ingredients
250 g basmati
250 g mutton
1 liter air
1 liter water
2 tomatoes
2 large onions, finely
2 tbsp ghee
2 sdm bumbu biryani serbuk (Cairo food) yang komposisinya sebagai berikut
: jintan, biji ketumbar, paprika, biji pala, biji kelabat, kayumanis, bunga lawang, kapulaga hijau, kunyit, daun laurel, cengkeh, cabai merah, jahe putih, lada hitam,
beras putih.
tbsp of powdered biryani spice (Cairo food) with the following composition:
cumin, coriander seeds, paprika, nutmeg, kelabat seeds, cinnamon, anise, green
cardamom, turmeric, laurel leaves, cloves, red chilies, white ginger , black
pepper, white rice.
2 sdm kismis
2 tbsp raisins
1 tbsp frieds onions
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp butter to
100 g yogurt
Coriander leaves
Garam secukupnya
Salt to taste
Cara / Method
Rendam beras selama 30 menit, tiriskan.
Soak the rice for 30
minutes, drain well.
halus bawang bombay, bawang putih, bawang goreng,
tomat, daun ketumbar, yogurt, dan bumbu biryani cairo food, sisihkan.
Tumis bawang bombay hingga layu dan berubah warna kekuningan.
Saute the onions until
wilted and turn yellowish.
Put the blended spices
into the stir fry, cook until it boils and thickens.
Masukkan daging kambing, lalu tambahkan
air masak sampai daging lunak, tambahkan air lagi jika volume air sudah berkurang.
Enter the mutton, then
add water, cook until the meat is soft, add more water if the water volume has
Setelah daging lunak, masukkan beras, garam, kismis dan minyak samin aduk rata hingga semua air meresap ke beras.
After the meat is soft,
add the rice, salt, raisin and ghee stir until all the water is absorbed into the rice.
beras selama kurang lebih
30-45 menit sampai matang.
Steam the rice for
about 30-45 minutes until cooked.
Tuang nasi biryani ke piring saji dan siap dinikmati selagi hangat.
Pour the biryani into a
serving plate and it's ready to be enjoyed while it's warm.
Beri topping kismis dan bawang goreng.
Toping with raisins and
fried onions.