Masakan ini sangat populer di restoran Batak Karo di Medan, saya mencoba dengan versi saya.....
Di restoran On-Do, sayur mirip seperti ini diberi nama Sayur On-Do
This dish is very popular in most Batak Karo restaurant in Medan. The cassava leaves and the banana hearts is from my back garden. Lucky to have them so fresh. Here is my version of this dish.
Bahan (A)
Ingredients (A)
8 bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
clove garlic
6 cabe merah, boleh ditambah jika suka pedas
red chili, you can use as much or as little chili as you prefer
10 cabe rawit
eye bird chili
2 batang sereh, ambil bagian dalam
lemon grass, use the inner part
1 bunga kincung
Torch ginger bud
Bahan (B)
Ingredients (B)
100 gr daun ubi, rebus sebentar dan dirajang (1/2 cm)
cassava leaves, blanch and slice 1/2 cm long
300 gr bunga jantung, direbus dan dirajang (1 cm)
Banana heart, boiled and slice 1 cm long
250 gr daging paha, buang tulang dan dicincang
chicken thigh, remove the bone and minced
3 sdm kelapa parut
grated coconut
2 cm jahe, memarkan
ginger, bruised
2 cm lengkuas memarkan
galangal bruised
250 ml air
Minyak untuk menumis
Enough oil for sauteing
Garam secukupnya
Salt to taste

Cara memasak
- Rajang semua bumbu (A), kemudian tumis sampai harum dan masak
- Slice all the ingredients (A), then saute till fragrant
- Masukkan daging ayam aduk sebentar lalu tambahkan kelapa parut. Aduk sampai ayam setengah matang.
- Put in the minced chicken, stir and add on the grated coconut. Mix well until the chicken half cooked
- Masukkan air, daun ubi dan jantung pisang.
- Now you can add the water, cassava leaves and banana heart
- Masak terus sampai bumbu meresap dan air mengering.
- Bring to boil than leave to simmer until the cassava leaves tender and the water reduced
- Siap dihidangkan bersama dengan lauk yang lain.
- Ready to be served with other dish....
hi Luluk, love it, success with your good hobby,.....
ReplyDeletehi Luluk.Congratulations with your lovely blog. Can not wait to try your recipe.
Hi, Lina....thanks for stumbling over my blog. I mix with a few of Western dish lately...