Friday 27 September 2013

Tasty Beef Stroganoff With Mushroom

We normally serve beef stroganoff with plain rice, pasta or noodles. But I have a ready mix pepper risotto in my pantry, so I thought that should be good too and it was good. The creamy texture from the stroganoff with flavoursome pepper risotto made a goo combination.

The tender beef and mushroom and the way we cook it, make this stroganoff is very special and tasty.

Bahan  yang diperlukan  / You will need

  • 500 g beef fillet, cut into long strips
    500 g daging has dalam, potong memanjang

  • 3 tsp paprika
    3 sdt paprika

  • 2 - 4 tbsp olive oil
    2 - 4 sdm minyak zaitun ( atau minyak goreng biasa )

  • 30 g butter
    30 g butter

  • 2 large shallots, finely chopped
    5 bawang merah, rajang halus

  • 100 gr button or portabello mushrooms, sliced
    100 gr jamur kancing, potong-potong

  • 1 sdt tomato puree (abaikan jika tidak ada)

  • 50 ml white wine vinegar or cider vinegar
    50 ml cuka anggur putih, atau cuka putih biasa

  • 150 ml white wine
    150 ml anggur putih

  • 200ml double cream
    200 ml double cream ( bisa gunakan whipping cream)

    100 ml beef stock
    100 ml kaldu daging

    1 tbsp corn starch
    1 sdm tepung maizena

    salt and pepper to taste
    garam dan merica secukupnya

    Cara memasak  /  Preparation methode

  • Sprinkle the beef strips with the paprika, corn starch and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and mix well.

    Campur  rata, daging, paprika, tepung maizena garam dan merica

    Heat a large frying pan with the vegetable oil. Quickly flash-fry the beef strips, making sure you keep them as rare as possible, then tip the meat into a colander, reserving any juices that drain off. Do it in batches

    Panaskan wajan dan masukkan minyak. Goreng daging sebentar, pastikan daging masih mentah dan tampung dalam saringan yang diletakkan di atas mangkok sehingga cairan dari daging akan tertampung dalam mangkon. Goreng menjadi beberapa bagian sampai habis.

    Using the same pan, add the butter, shallots and sliced mushrooms and cook for one minute.

    Setelah selesai, masukkan butter pada wajan yang sama kemudian tumis bawang merah sampai harum dan masukkan jamur aduk kira-kira 1 menit.

    Add the tomato purée and cook for few more minutes, stirring the ingredients together. Add the white wine vinegar and cook until completely evaporated.

    Masukkan tomato puree dan masak beberapa menit lagi sambil diaduk. Masukkan cuka, kembali masak sampai cairan mengering.

    Add the white wine and beef stock, cook until reduced by half then pour in the double cream, bring to a boil, and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    Tambahkan anggur putih dan kaldu daging, masak lagi sampai cairan tinggal setengahnya kemudian masukkan cream, didihkan kembali tambah garam dan merica sesuai selera.

    Add the seared beef and the reserved juice and gently warm through, taking care not to boil or you will overcook the beef.

    Masukkan daging dan cairan dari mangkok dan kecilkan api, pastikan agar tidak mendidih , karena daging akan terlalu masak dan menjadi keras.

    Serve with the rice or pasta along side.

    Sajikan dengan nasi atau pasta

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